Each school holiday period, CYC hosts camps for both primary and high school aged children. We do this because we genuinely believe that camping provides opportunities for young people to explore themselves and grow in confidence in ways that can’t be achieved in other settings.

As well as the social, emotional and physical benefits of time spent together in a temporary community, CYC holiday camps focus on the amazing love of Jesus.  A love that is caring, patient, kind, generous, grateful, honest, brave and humble.

Upcoming Events

CYC Leaders Camp 2025
Come and spend the weekend with us for leadership training and discipleship, along with fellowship and quality time at the beautiful CYC facility and its surroundings. We look forward to seeing you all there!
2-5 May 2025
CYC Burleigh
CYC Holiday Camp leaders
Spring Sessions Holiday Camp 2024
Join in the fun at camp! Enjoy outdoor activities, make new friends, and reconnect with old ones. Plus, experience daily devotionals celebrating Jesus' love through prayer and inspiring words.
23 -27 September 2024
CYC Burleigh
Grades 7-12

Holiday Camps F.A.Q.

Unfortunately not.  CYC is a busy place. Other programs and camp are operating before and after camp which means staff are busy preparing for your camp or setting up for the next one.  Please respect our staff and volunteers by not arriving too early and ensuring you are on time to collect your child.    

Yes.  CYC references the Australian Activity Standards and associated Good Practice Guides for all activities, along with Education Queensland guidelines around risk management.  We also host hundreds of schools and thousands of students each year necessitating equipment be regularly maintained and staff trained in the art of group leading.  

Holiday camps are not specifically equipped for children with disabilities however we can accept some campers with disabilities. Please call the office to discuss further.

Unfortunately not.  We encourage campers to be here for the whole week in order to make the most of the camp experience.  It’s difficult to establish the friendships and develop the trust necessary in a camp environment if a camper leaves early or arrives late.  

Yes.  The registration process allows for cabin requests.  Please note, we cannot guarantee that we’ll be able to accommodate all requests (due to things like age of campers, other requests, room layouts etc) however we will do our best.

We keep going!  In the event, the weather poses a danger, the program will be modified.  These modifications typically include indoor games and sports

Yes. All CYC activities are run by CYC staff who hold Advanced First Aid qualifications There is also a designated Holiday Camp volunteer nurse who is in charge of medication and first aid.

No. Holiday camps are open to everyone! Please be aware that Bible studies are held each day during camp.

Click on our sample program below.  Please note, this is only a sample.  

Yes.  Each camp is led by a different group of volunteers, bringing their own approach to camp.  Throughout the year we have a variety of activities planned so that those campers who attend multiple camps throughout the year find something different each time.  

To become a leader an application form must be filled out. This is then reviewed by the Camp Director and references will be checked.  Every leader must have a blue card linked to the CYC organisation. Leaders are also required to complete online and face to face training prior to camp. This training includes child protection policies, code of conduct and leadership skills.